Kamloops and District Labour Council – Monday, June 20, 2022 14:21:38 Asks:

Many communities are facing drug addiction challenges, homelessness and have seen increase in crime and property crimes. How would advocate for our disadvantaged community members and what solutions would you propose?

This is a major issue every community small and large are facing throughout our country.
I am elected to represent my city of Kamloops, so what I see is a major gap in all the initiatives the other levels of governments provide for the individuals on our streets. IHA is always absent from any real dialogue or collaborative work to address this issue. Mental Health and Addiction, is in my opinion a health issue, and we need to treat it as such. We also have to put pressure on our federal laws to swing back the pendulum that is such favour of the criminal. Whether it’s an armed robbery or breaking a window to steal a window display, a crime is a crime and we must have deterrents. The majority would be in my opinion, mandatory health intervention including detox and recovery for those that can’t keep themselves or our community safe! That should be the compassion shown that has eroded to the current level of compassion fatigue.
I truly believe that all homeless individuals are not criminals, and not all criminals are homeless. But in the last 1 to 2 years it is very hard to separate the two. That has to change. We are better than that in Kamloops.
So please do not buy into anyone that has all the answers. I can honestly tell you we are in unprecedented times with unprecedented issues. I have never pointed fingers at other governments, instead I’ve put out my hand to ask for assistance. I will strongly continue to do so on behalf of our city, and work along side anyone who has other solutions that can help us with these complex issues.