Caroline King

Candidate for City Councillor

Contact Information

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Personal Information

Resident of: Campbell Creek/Deloro
Age: 50 (ish)
Current Occupation: Small business owner

Previous Candidate

Political Experience:

I ran in the 2018 Kamloops civic election missing the mark by 1200 votes. I was then and remain committed to serving the community I call home.


I have lived in Kamloops most of my life, first moving to Logan Lake, where I grew up under the USW 7619, and then to Kamloops in 1991. Kamloops is my home; I can not imagine living anywhere else.

I have raised two sons in Kamloops and, with my husband Mike, own a small mobile agricultural repair business supporting the ranchers and farmers across the BC Interior.

I have been an advocate and volunteer for our community's vulnerable population for most of my adult life; these days more focused on but not limited to the needs of our growing senior population.

I believe that my personal business experience and my strong volunteerism background would be a vital asset if elected to the council.

External Page Links

KTW Posted: August 31, 2022
Trio forms coalition in bid for Kamloops council seats

Answers to Questions from the Public

Define Fiduciary Responsibility and how would you personally apply this to an elected role in Council or the TNRD.

Asked by: Kamloops and District Labour Council asked the City Councillor, Mayor Candidates
Caroline King Answered

Fiduciary Responsibility, in this case, is the duty to act in a way that is financially responsible toward the taxpayers of Kamloops and TNRD.
We recently saw reports of excessive spending concerning council and city hall on the heels of the TNRD scandal. If elected, my priority would be to ban excessive spending on things like council lunches, which would save tens of thousands of dollars.
Council and staff should always be vigilant of unnecessary spending; remember that approximately every one million in expenses is a 1% tax increase.

What steps will you take to work towards action on Truth and Reconciliation?

Asked by: Kamloops and District Labour Council asked the City Councillor, Mayor Candidates
Caroline King Answered

Kamloops has done significant work in fostering a meaningful relationship with Tk'emlups te Secwepemc, and it will be vital that we continue our relationship of ongoing reconciliation. We must be vigilant of Secwepemc culture, values, and history.

Describe how you will address housing needs and housing that people can afford in your community?

Asked by: Kamloops and District Labour Council asked the City Councillor, Mayor Candidates
Caroline King Answered

It's important moving forward that a new and proactive council would immediately work to reduce red tape along with the current lengthy wait times around zoning and permitting. We should be prioritizing multi-family zoning projects to increase affordability and availability.

Do you support the Living Wage for Families Campaign? Please explain why or why not.

Asked by: Kamloops and District Labour Council asked the City Councillor, Mayor, School Trustee 73 - TEA1 Candidates
Caroline King Answered

Yes, I do support a living wage. I have seen firsthand the effects of low incomes on families who work hard at the ever-increasing cost of living. A living wage would support healthy families with better outcomes for many children.

Describe your position on Contracting Out and Public Private Partnerships and how they effect existing jobs.

Asked by: Kamloops and District Labour Council asked the City Councillor, Mayor, School Trustee 73 - TEA1 Candidates
Caroline King Answered

Contracting out should only happen when there are no other options to ensure local employees have priority.

Are you or have you ever been active in any community organizations, actions, or campaigns?
Describe your volunteer work, positions, and any tangible change to the community from your involvement. Are you still involved with this work?

Asked by: Kamloops and District Labour Council asked the City Councillor, Mayor, School Trustee 73 - TEA1 Candidates
Caroline King Answered

I have been an active volunteer within my community for most of my adult life, spending the past few decades working with our community's vulnerable populations, including support for our growing senior population. Currently, I am very proud of the work we do at the society of St. Vincent de Paul towards senior socialization and meal programs.

What are the top three critical issues facing your community?

Asked by: Kamloops and District Labour Council asked the City Councillor, Mayor Candidates
Caroline King Answered

1. Social issues around crime, homelessness, mental health, and addiction. We must begin to change the conversation towards recovery and treatment using every tool available at the municipal level to promote change from higher levels of government.
2. A Lack of accountability and transparency within city hall has highlighted the need for an ethics and integrity officer similar to other BC cities.
3. A lack of affordable housing concerning multi-family units, red tape, and lengthy zoning applications.

If you are a Union member, does your union (provide union/local name) offer endorsement to members running for public office? If so, have you applied for/received endorsement from your union?

Asked by: Kamloops and District Labour Council asked the City Councillor, Mayor, School Trustee 73 - TEA1 Candidates
Caroline King Answered

I am not a current union member, but I grew up under the local USW-7619. I understand the importance of a union for stabilizing the economy and stimulating its growth.

Have you ever been a candidate or volunteered in a previous civic, provincial, or federal election? If so, please give details.

Asked by: Kamloops and District Labour Council asked the City Councillor, Mayor, School Trustee 73 - TEA1 Candidates
Caroline King Answered

I was a candidate in the 2018 civic election missing the mark by 1200 votes. I was then and remain now committed to serving my community.

I have volunteered with the BC Liberals in previous elections.