Getting Started

This website was created to help candidates in the 2022 municipal election introduce and promote themselves to voters and help voters choose the correct candidates to support on election day.
Voters will be able to view all of the basic information for each of the candidates as well as ask questions for the candidates to answer.
If voters want to show their support for a candidate, they can create an endorsement that might help other voters make their choice.

Setting up a website account

If you visit the page you will be able to create a free website account. The member account creation page has a lot of helpful information on it, so if you’re stuck you can look for some help right on that page.

Once you’ve completed and submitted the new member creation form, an account will be created for you and the sign in credentials will be emailed to the address that you supplied.

Creating your Profile

Once you’ve created your website account and signed in, you will be taken to your Profile Page. If you haven’t already created a profile, the profile creation form will be displayed.

The first thing you’ll need to do is choose the type of profile that you want to create. You can create either a Voter profile or a Candidate profile. The form will change according to what you select.

Fill in as many fields as you can with as much information that you can. Once your profile has been created you will see the options to ask questions and endorse candidates. Your profile must be approved by an administrator before other website visitors will be able to view it.

Creating a Voter Profile

The video below will run you through the basics of creating a Voter Profile for the 2022 municipal election website created by the Kamloops & District Labour Council.

Creating a Candidate Profile

The video below will run you through the basics of creating a Candidate Profile for the 2022 municipal election website created by the Kamloops & District Labour Council.

Asking a question about the website

From the Contact Page you can ask a question about the website. If your question would help others, it may be published on the contact page along with the answer.

Additional Help

You next steps are going to depend on whether you are a voter or candidate.